Los Angeles security company – Quest National Security


Thank you for your interest in becoming an employee of Quest National Security

QNS is a highly reputable security firm that offers clients a wide variety of professional security services both locally as well as nation wide.

We are frequently hiring new qualified personal for multiple positions including Un-Armed and Armed Guards with Fire Arms Permit & State Guard Card, Off-Duty Police Officers and Individuals with a Concealed Weapon Permit, Retired PD, Reserve PD, Robbery Suppression Detail, Supervisors and Management.

Quest National Security rates are very competitive as we always aim to develop a long-term working relationship with our staff and employees.

In return, we expect nothing less than the upmost integrity, dependability and professionalism.

If you believe that a career with Quest National Security is right for you, Please contact our corporate office, preferably by email, to submit your resume and schedule a follow-up phone call prior to interview.

We look forward to hearing from you

Employment Application:

Alternatively you can email your resume and contact information to: Career@QuestGuards.com

Our office will follow up with you on your application and will connect you with the local hiring managers if your application is a good fit to an open position.

Pre-employment Screening

Quest National Security conducts a rigorous employment verification process. The following are steps taken to insure that we are hiring honest, dependable and outstanding individuals that meet our clients’ demand and expectations.



Supervisor interviews applicant and looks at previous job stability and demeanor of applicant.


 Verification of Application including Social Security and D.O.B.


 Criminal Background Check: Felony and misdemeanors.


Verification of Present and Past Employers.


Verification of Valid State Guard Card, credentials and other licenses and certificates.


Second and potentially final interview

Training Program

Quest’s training program is “On-Going” as we are committed to the continuous education of our security officers.

We believe that training is an essential tool to guarantee that our staff and employees perform at the highest standards.

QNS Guards and Officers are provided numerous amounts of training hours at our facilities and at security training schools approved by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.

The following programs are administered to promote quality performance:

Basic Security Training, Post Orders Site Orientation Training, Foot Patrol, Laws of Arrest and Detention, Report Writing, First Aid and CPR as well as OSHA / Hazard free workplace.

In addition to the standard training programs, Quest National Security also provides additional training each year in officers’ safety, employer policies, handling difficult people, crowd control, work place environment and many other pertinent issues.